Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Do business owners take Facebook seriously?

So Facebook has been established as a beast in the marketing world. Its nearly perfect for a small business to get some real exposure for free other than a little key tapping. But the question is do these people take Facebook seriously as an effective form of advertising. Now I can easily start naming off multiple examples of businesses that have success with Facebook but I don't think thats going to change the non believers minds. I think the main reason that people don't want to get involved with Facebook is because its unfamiliar.
Lets just lay it all out on the table...... I'm young and I have grown up with the dawning of all the new wonderful technology. A lot of small business owners are older and they grew up in a world much different then mine. Now I'm not saying that all oder people are effected by this but a large majority are. So if I was in they're shoes I would also be hesitant to use a unfamiliar form of advertising to represent my business that I have poured my life into. It seems like a recipe for disaster so they stick to the tried and true. Tried and true, Lets think about that..... Just because its tried and true doesn't mean its the most effective way to go about it. Sure its effective to some extent but in order to really get the business where it needs to be they need some cutting edge forms of advertising.
Facebook has proven it self as the king of effective advertising for businesses. Facebook is effective for small business & large business. Facebook is the most effective way to advertise, target consumers, and get your name out there for FREE.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

HOW TO: Setup an effective face book page.

Okay okay, I know what your thinking. I keep talking about these social networks but "how do I set my page up?"

Step 1- Log on to , this is the login screen. All the way at the bottom of the page it says "advertising" click that link.

Step 2- You should see a page that gives you some idea as to why your creating a page. If you want you can read both the overview tab and the case study tab. After your done reading you can a link in the text of the overview tab that says "facebook page" This is what you going to need to click. Yet again you will come to a page assuring you that making a page is a great idea. At the top right corner you can find a green button that says "create page" that. Then you will find your self with a few options, community page or official page. If this is for a business then choose the official page. The choices are self explanatory, but when it comes to the page name I suggest it would be named after your business so that fans and customers can easily find it. Now on to the creating!

Step 3- Now your going to have to get dirty and make the page jive with your business. Make sure that you have plenty of ways for the customer to contact you....e-mail is a must! Also your best bet for your profile picture is a business logo of your own. This assures that you are establishing a professional appearance. Next you will want to add some custom tabs to your page if needed but don't go crazy with the tabs because out will make the page less appealing to the eye. And we want people staying on your page not just clicking through. My suggestion after you have your page setup is to send it out to some close friends and ask what they think about it, If all is well then on to step 4.

Step 4- Add fans! I would start by inviting people who you have friended on you personal profile. If you don't have many friends then what are you waiting for this is a social network. Once you have established a nice fan base them its time to promote.

Step 5- Promote. The best ways to do this is through contest, giveaways,& discounts. An example of a good give away promotion is this- what ever your business offers is what your consumer wants. So find an item that you can afford to giveaway and offer it to the consumer.....but wait! There is a hitch, they must like the post to be entered to win the giveaway. Once they have entetered 3 will picked from the group. Now make a poll on your page with the 3 users and tell them they're friends must come to the page and like it, then vote for their favorite contestant. What rusts going to do is have them sending and posting links like crazy to win the votes. Your best bet would be to choose 3 with the most amount of friends and are the most active.

Tip: Post often and dont repeat things over and over. You will sound like a robot and robots are not social.

Check back soon for tips on managing you page and more, dont forget to follow to get all your updates on cutting edge small business advertising.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Superbowl advertisers jump on the Social media wagon

Millions of dollars are spent every year by companies for 30 second spots during the superbowl. The super bowl could be called the king of all advertising spots easily. This year the advertisers realize that social media is the future and they are not.going to miss out. Kia, Mercedes, Audi, & Volkswagon are all using unique social media campaigns to get a chunk of the social media pie. That's right, the big dogs are using the exact social networks that you an sign up for today for FREE!!!
Advertisers are expected to spend 55% more money in 2011 on social network advertising then they did in 2010. They are doing this for plain and simple reasons......its on its way to the top of effective advertising.

Bottom line is that you can have a bigger price of the pie for free right NOW...what are you waiting for?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Top 5 reasons your small business will benefit from facebook

In todays day and age there are many online resources that businesses can use to improve they're image and establish themselves as a go to spot for the products or services they offer. Predictions for the growth of impact of social marketing is through the roof. This means that small business owners need to get on the train before it leaves the station.
I know that these internet things can be intimidating but its really easy and almost failproof. Just hope on google and do some research on facebook and soon enough you will be promoting your business on facebook.
These are 5 reasons to become a part of facebook

#1. True definition from your services and competitors. Are your services of higher quality? Do you have superior customer service? If you are better but need to get the word out facebook WILL let the people know.

#2. You will be able to have direct access to to demographic that is literally growing everyday. As the young generation is moving out into the world they are relying more then ever on internet ads to influence the purchases they make and less on traditional forms of ads.

#3. Networking with other businesses in your industry. You can share ideas and with other peoplebin your industry for free! Its like holding a meeting with business owners from around the world while sitting at your desk. Fresh current ideas in your area equals more business for you!

#4. Network with a broader area of people. Maybe you can't afford to expand your advertising range then facebook is the perfect tool for you! You can promote your page for FREE! FREE! And even bought ads on facebook can really get your business booming!

#5. ITS ABSOLUTELY FREE! Seriously if I offered you unlimited advertising with world coverage for 100% free would you decline? Its literally a time commitment and that's all.