When I was fresh out of school I picked up a job at a small business that sold and delivered furniture. This store is still the best store in the area because our customer service was above and beyond the necessary. We had good quality products and the best delivery service.
I bet your thinking that this business must me doing great right? WRONG! The other small furniture stores in the area couldn't touch us as far as quality and service but they had far superior advertising. So when people would ask where I worked I rarley received a different response than "where?" No one had heard of us and no one would with advertising comparable to something that of a preschool musical.
So we had the service, we had the quality, and we had a store on the only road leading to the brand new walmart super center, and we had a lot of happy customers. Our only new customers would be from word of mouth unless the people happen to see our tiny newspaper ads, horribly cheap and poorly time placed t.v commercial that ran for very short lengths at a time, or seen our micro sign placed about 200 feet back from the road. My boss was afraid of technology and afraid.of investing into advertising. Not only did he rarley use traditional forms of advertising he chose the cheapest way of doing it. Because of these things the business struggled constantly while the other guys just kept growing. What would drive a person to do such a thing to they're business?
We also lacked computers which would have made accounting for inventory and keeping track of sales and customers much easier then our books and books and books of customers, products, delivery shedules etc..... we could have easily made more sales and more deliveries with one simple computer. This same guy had us delivering furniture in some of the worst possible vehicles that you could show up to a customers house in. Yet his wife and him drive a Mercedes. I know he cared about his business very much so he Must have been afraid of upgrading to current technology.
The reason he acted like this was probaly the very same reason were seeing all these small businesses miss out on some of todays popular ways to advertise. They're all afraid that its gong to take to much time and in result cost them money and headache. The problem is that they believe that since things have been doing good from traditional adds that there isn't a reason to change the way things are. But they are wrong, yeah it been working but its only working on a demographic that is literally getting smaller everyday. That sounds like a surfire recipe for failure to me.
If you are a small business you NEED current technology to succeed!
Here are some ideas....
-face book fan page
-myspace page
-Email newsletters
-Mobile phone text promoting!
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